I have finished checking the midi files for all the movements of "Hammerklavier," which I have newly started working on. I have finished checking all the midi files for all the movements of "Hammerklavier," and now that I am almost done with correcting the mis-touch and sound movement, it is time to start working on the music.
As I checked the notes one by one, I thought to myself, "Since this is so difficult to play in midi, it must be extremely difficult to play it live on the piano...". It must not be easy to tackle this long sonata unless you have the skills to play the piano according to the score, as well as the intellectual, physical, and mental strength. In fact, I have only listened to all the movements at once until the end. Therefore, although it is said to be the greatest piano sonata in the world, I doubt that there are many people who have listened to it properly.
Now, with a DAW, the computer will somehow do the work for you regarding the art of playing the piano. The rest is probably the interpretation of the music. But this is very complicated, and the structures that pile up one after another are far beyond my understanding and I cannot catch up with them. It is as if the sound I am chasing is suddenly lost. Beethoven himself said, "You will be able to play it in 50 years".... I wonder if that is true!
I am going to make the sound little by little, but it will be a long time before I can finish it even "for now".