Sound Library-7 Piano Sound Library Comparison (2)

 I am currently typing Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 8 (Pathetique), and before proceeding, I did a sound source comparison on this piece as well. In the aria of the Goldberg Variations, Pianoteq8>Ivory3>Synchron D-274, in that order. pinoteq was indeed calculated and pronounced by a PC, and I could visually see in the spectrum that the decay of the fundamental and overtones were well harmonized without much disturbance. However, when I listened to "Pathetique" under the same conditions, Ivory3 > Synchron D-274 > Pianoteq8 in that order.

 At the beginning of the first movement, there are three chords, and I immediately recognized them. I immediately recognized it at this point. I wonder why. It might be different if I change some settings, but I haven't examined that far.

 It seems that the sound quality of the pinoteq is suitable for polyphony, in which each note is heard and harmonized, while the Ivory3 is suitable for piano sonatas, in which many notes are layered on top of each other.