Beethoven "Violin Sonata No.9″ -Kreutzer

 Beethoven's Violin Sonata No. 9, Kreutzer, all movements.

 previousfirst movement (mus)I have uploaded the first two movements of the piece, but when I was finishing the second and third movements, I reviewed this movement as well. I have learned a little more about the habits of the violin solo sound source I am using, so I re-examined the previous strikethroughs and tried to balance the whole piece.

 Unlike multiple string ensembles, solo string instruments in DTM, especially high register violins, tend to sound ragged and difficult to create a sound. The main sound source is "Violin" from "Spitfire Solo Strings". The violin alone sounds a bit like a synth, but it blends well with the piano in the concerto. However, some peculiar sounds are mixed with other sound sources. Also, the rise of the violin sound is sometimes slow, so I had to be careful to match it with the piano. Before you know it, the piano is running ahead of the violin.

 But it was an emotional divider that the more I played it, the more amazing the piece was. If you just listen to it, the interaction between the piano and violin is wonderful, and it is truly a "concerto-like" piece. However, when it came time to hammer it in, I had to properly express that relationship, and it was a difficult hammering.

 I first learned about the origin of the tune's name when I looked it up on wiki, and it was first dedicated to another violinist, Bridge Tower, but then it was dissolved and re-dedicated to Kreutzel. It is said that Kreutzel never played it because "someone else had already played it, and it was too difficult! It was really a waste of a piece that would later be considered one of the best violin sonatas of all time.

Title: Violin Sonata No.9 in A maijor, Op.47 "Kreutzer"
Sound Source: Spitfire Solo Strings(Violin),Vienna Synchron Concert D-274(Piano)
Audio file format: mp3

YouTube:.Beethoven Violin Sonata No.9