Small Talk- category -
Small Talk - 28 "Yes, Noh" Naomi Seki
An acquaintance of mine who runs a small publishing company sent me a copy of a book she has recently published. The book is called "Yes, Noh Naomi Seki," and is about the life of a female Noh performer. What surprised me when I read it was that this woman, Naomi Seki, came to this world at the age of 34 from a completely different world... -
Small Talk-27 Beethoven's String Quartet No. 15, 3rd Mov.
Now, the topic of this issue is about the third movement of Beethoven's String Quartet. Last time I typed Beethoven's String Quartet 5th movement "Cavatina", and I am currently typing the 3rd movement of No. 15 in between typing the Tempest. Beeth... -
Small Talk - 26 Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 17 "Tempest"
I've been playing 17 "Tempest" for a while now. I have never tried it before, and this is my "first" attempt at all. It is a very famous song (Moonlight, Tempest, etc.), and I have been a bit hesitant to play it. But I've tried to type it up to number 32, and now... -
Small Talk-25 Beethoven String Quartet No. 13, 5th movement, "Cavatina"
I am currently inputting Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 14 "Moonlight", and in between, I suddenly thought I would try string quartets. Well, "string quartet"... I have never really liked to listen to it. However, for a long time, Beeth... -
Small Talk-24 How to perform “fp” of Beethoven's Piano Sonata in DAW
In fact, there is one area where I had difficulty in typing Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 8 "Pathetique". That is the execution of "fp" that follows the opening chord. Piano Sonata No. 8 was composed between 1797 and 1798, and the pia... -
Small Talk-23 My advisor's recital "Goldberg Variations"
Last October, my teacher gave a recital at Mitaka Performing Arts Center Kaze no Hall, where he performed the complete Goldberg Variations. It was quite a wonderful performance, so I thought it would be nice to share it with you. https://youtu.b... -
Sound Library-7 Piano Sound Library Comparison (2)
I'm currently typing Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 8 (Pathetique), but before proceeding, I did a sound source comparison on this piece as well. The pinoteq is indeed PC-computed and pronounced... -
Sound Library-6 Piano Sound Library Comparison (1)
Now, my teacher commented that he was concerned about the attack strength of Bach's Goldberg Variations when he was typing the aria. I have heard this comment from time to time when I was playing Beethoven's Piano Sonata, and I tried to deal with it in various ways, but... -
Small Talk - 22 Again YouTube Clams on Copyright Infringement, but it's funny!
I uploaded Bach's Goldberg Variations, Aria (piano version) to YouTube and immediately received the following two copyright infringement claims from SME (Sony Music Entertainment). Again, I immediately filed an objection, but this time to a rather curious copyright infringement claim... -
Small Talk-21 Late Three Piano Sonatas by Beethoven
After having played Beethoven's piano sonatas up to this point, I feel that these three pieces from the latter half of his career are not particularly like Beethoven's works up to that time. Compared to "Waldstein" and "Passion", which are said to be the masterpieces of the middle period, the emotional side of these three sonatas is quite different...