Beethoven- category -
Beethoven Piano Sonata No. 17 "Tempest"
BeethovenFinally, I finished No. 17. I have finally finished No. 17, with my teacher's comment, "Let's listen to it again in a while. The structure of the three movements is well calculated, and even so, each of them is full of singular beauty. I am sure you will be able to see where we are going in the future... -
Small Talk-27 Beethoven's String Quartet No. 15, 3rd Mov.
BeethovenWell, this time the string quartet is the third movement of No. 17. I saw Beethoven's String Quartet 5th movement "Cavatina" typed last time, and I'm doing a little bit of it in between typing the Tempest. "Heiliger Dankgesang eines Genesenen an die Gottheit, in der... -
Small Talk-26 Beethoven's Piano Sonata No.17 Tempest
BeethovenI've been playing 17 "Tempest" for a while now. I have never tried it before, and this is my "first" attempt at all. It is a very famous song (Moonlight, Tempest, etc.), and I have been a bit hesitant to play it. But I've tried to type it up to number 32, and now... -
Beethoven String Quartet No.13-5 "Cavatina"
BeethovenThe cabatina was finally finished. The maestro's playing instructions were quite detailed and it was difficult to balance each string. Especially, I heard that it is Beethoven's 18th piece, and there are several instructions of cresc.+p. Normally, when you cresc. the next volume should be stronger.... Normally, when you cresc., the next volume should be stronger... -
Beethoven Piano Sonata No.14 "Sonata quasi una Fantasia"
BeethovenNow, finally, "Moonlight". The title "Moonlight" is not quite right for the first movement, but for the rest of the piece, it is far from the impression it gives. The title "Moonlight" is not given by the maestro, so it is not surprising. However, the first movement is so famous that everyone... -
Small Talk-25 Beethoven's String Quartet No. 13, 5th movement, "Cavatina"
BeethovenI am currently typing Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 14 "Moonlight", and in between, I suddenly thought I would try string quartets. Well, "string quartet"... I have never really liked to listen to it. However, for a long time, Beeth... -
Small Talk-24 Piano Striking Technique Beethoven's "fp
BeethovenIn fact, there is one area where I had difficulty in typing Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 8 "Pathetique". That is the treatment of the "fp" that follows the opening chord. Piano Sonata No. 8 was composed between 1797 and 1798, and the pia... -
Beethoven Piano Sonata No.8 "Pathétique"
BeethovenBy last year, I had worked my way through Beethoven's piano sonatas up to the last 32. And from this year, I decided to work on No. 8 and No. 14, which I had not played before. I started with No. 8, "Pathetique. It seems to have been written when he was less than 30 years old, and it was in his later years.... -
New Year's Day, 2024
BeethovenHappy New Year! May this year bring you peace and tranquility! I've been thinking about how to proceed with DTM this year. 1. compile Beethoven's Piano Sonatas on CD I've been working on a CD of Beethoven's Piano Sonatas to give to a friend in Germany. -
Digitally Performed Beethoven Piano Sonatas
BeethovenBeethoven's piano sonatas number up to 32 in total, and especially the later three, Nos. 30, 31, and 32, the more I listen to them, the more profound and atmospheric they are. I happened to meet up with an old friend in Germany and decided to put together a CD of these three pieces that I had composed myself...