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Small Talk-23 My advisor's recital "Goldberg Variations"
Last October, my teacher gave a recital at Mitaka Performing Arts Center Kaze no Hall, where he performed the complete Goldberg Variations. It was quite a wonderful performance, so I thought it would be nice to share it with you. https://youtu.b... -
Small Talk - 22 Again YouTube Clams on Copyright Infringement, but it's funny!
I uploaded Bach's Goldberg Variations, Aria (piano version) to YouTube and immediately received the following two copyright infringement claims from SME (Sony Music Entertainment). Again, I immediately filed an objection, but this time to a rather curious copyright infringement claim... -
Bach Goldberg Variations "ARIA" (Piano) -Digital Performance
This is a piano version of Bach's Goldberg Variations "Aria". I have been typing for string trio and harpsichord, but finally arrived at piano. At first, I tried to type it on piano, but it was difficult to handle polyphony... -
Bach Goldberg Variations "ARIA"(Harpsichord) -Digital Performance
The original title of the Goldberg Variations is "Aria and Various Variations for Clavicembalo with 2-step keyboard". This time, I decided to play the theme aria on harpsichord. Nowadays, since Glengrood, most of the arias are probably played on the piano... -
Digitally Performed Beethoven Piano Sonatas
Beethoven's piano sonatas number up to 32 in total, and especially the later three, Nos. 30, 31, and 32, the more I listen to them, the more profound and atmospheric they are. I happened to meet up with an old friend in Germany and decided to put together a CD of these three pieces that I had composed myself... -
Bach Goldberg Variations for String Trio "ARIA" -Digital Performance
I managed to type the aria from the Goldberg Variations. I realized that a string trio is much more difficult than I had thought. While playing, I felt that unless each soloist's sound blended well with each other, there would be no music at all... -
Small Talk-22 Bach Goldberg Variations, Aria
ゴールドベルグ変奏曲のアリアをバイオリン、ビオラ、チェロのトリオで打ち込んでおります。 シトコベツキーにより弦楽三重奏に編曲された譜を使ってます。 只、我が師のサジェスチョンで一部省かれていたバイオリンパートのスラーを復活させておりま... -
Small Talk-21 Late Three Piano Sonatas by Beethoven
After having played Beethoven's piano sonatas up to this point, I feel that these three pieces from the latter half of his career are not particularly like Beethoven's works up to that time. Compared to "Waldstein" and "Passion", which are said to be the masterpieces of the middle period, the emotional side of these three sonatas is quite different... -
Small Talk - 20 Content ID claim from YouTube
As soon as I uploaded Beethoven Piano Sonata No.32 Rev2. to YouTube, the following Content ID was filed. I guess they are searching automatically. Well, "Content ID complaint" means "a complaint that a copyrighted content is being used... -
Beethoven Piano Sonata No.32 Rev.2 -Digital Performance
It took me a long time, but I was finally able to review Beethoven's last piano sonata No. 32. I got into this world to try Beethoven's piano sonata with DTM, but I couldn't create the sound as I wanted due to technical difficulties... Furthermore...