sound library- category -
Beethoven String Quartet No.13-5 "Cavatina" -Digital Performance
The cabatina was finally finished. The maestro's playing instructions were quite detailed and it was difficult to balance each string. Especially, I heard that it is Beethoven's 18th piece, and there are several instructions of cresc.+p. Normally, when you cresc. the next volume should be stronger.... Normally, when you cresc., the next volume should be stronger... -
Beethoven Piano Sonata No. 14 "Moonlight"– Digital Performance
Now, finally, "Moonlight". The title "Moonlight" is not quite right for the first movement, but for the rest of the piece, it is far from the impression it gives. The title "Moonlight" is not given by the maestro, so it is not surprising. However, the first movement is so famous that everyone... -
Small Talk-25 Beethoven String Quartet No. 13, 5th movement, "Cavatina"
I am currently inputting Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 14 "Moonlight", and in between, I suddenly thought I would try string quartets. Well, "string quartet"... I have never really liked to listen to it. However, for a long time, Beeth... -
Marcello Oboe Concert II. “Adagio” – Digital Performance
I lived for a while on the island of Saint-Louis, Paris, about 50 years ago. It was when the price of one franc was about 80 yen. After dinner, I was always listening to Radio France or Antenne 2 (or was it Radio France or Antenne 2?) while wrapping up the day's work. -
New Year's Day, 2024
Happy New Year! May this year bring you peace and tranquility! I've been thinking about how to proceed with DTM this year. 1. compile Beethoven's Piano Sonatas on CD I've been working on a CD of Beethoven's Piano Sonatas to give to a friend in Germany. -
Sound Library-7 Piano Sound Library Comparison (2)
I'm currently typing Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 8 (Pathetique), but before proceeding, I did a sound source comparison on this piece as well. The pinoteq is indeed PC-computed and pronounced... -
Sound Library-6 Piano Sound Library Comparison (1)
Now, my teacher commented that he was concerned about the attack strength of Bach's Goldberg Variations when he was typing the aria. I have heard this comment from time to time when I was playing Beethoven's Piano Sonata, and I tried to deal with it in various ways, but... -
Small Talk - 22 Again YouTube Clams on Copyright Infringement, but it's funny!
I uploaded Bach's Goldberg Variations, Aria (piano version) to YouTube and immediately received the following two copyright infringement claims from SME (Sony Music Entertainment). Again, I immediately filed an objection, but this time to a rather curious copyright infringement claim... -
Bach Goldberg Variations "ARIA" (Piano) -Digital Performance
This is a piano version of Bach's Goldberg Variations "Aria". I have been typing for string trio and harpsichord, but finally arrived at piano. At first, I tried to type it on piano, but it was difficult to handle polyphony... -
Sound Source - 5 Delayed Startup
I am currently playing Schumann's cello concerto, and as usual, I am having trouble adjusting the delay in the rise of the string sound source. Even though I have played the notes according to the grid, the rise of each note is off the grid and slowed down...