This is Albinoni's Adagio. It is truly one of the most crisp and beautiful masterpieces of Baroque music. But it really seems to be composed by Raymond Diazotto. The first edition was published in 1958, so it is not really baroque music of about 300 years ago. It was composed for strings and pipe organ, but there are many other arrangements. This piece became famous when it was used in Orson Welles' 1962 film "Judgment. It greatly enhanced Kafka's mysterious and eerie story. It is often used at funerals, but I think it is always better to listen to it more comfortably.
Now, in Beethoven's Piano Sonata, which is the main piece I am currently working on, my teacher tells me to be very careful about the relationship between each note and its related sounds. However, this piece is so-called baroque music, so I typed it with the intention of studying the balance of each part, mainly strings and organ.
I use the newly upgraded version of Audibro's "La Scoring Strings 3″ as the sound source for my string ensemble. LASS is famous for its sound quality, which everyone recognizes, and the user interface has been completely redesigned from version 2.5 to 3, making it very easy to use. The pipe organ sound source is Soundiron's "Alfa Organ". The pipe organ is not a damped instrument like a piano, but a wind instrument. Also, it is said that the sound is created by combining several overtones (combination of pipes), so I tried to play it while learning how to play it little by little.
Title: Giazotto "Adagio in G minor" (Albinoni Adagio)
Sound Source: Emotional Violin(Solo), La Scoring Strings 3, Alfa Organ
Audio file format: mp3
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[…] 遙か昔50年ほど前になりますかね、しばらくの間、パリ・サンルイ島に住んでいたことがあります。 丁度一フラン、80円少々の頃でしたかね。 夕食を終えてその日の仕事を纏めながら、いつもラジオ・フランスだったかアンテーヌ2だったか(ちょっと記憶が曖昧)を流していたんです。 確かその局の一日の放送終了の際に流れる音楽が、このマルチェロのオーボエ協奏曲、第二楽章のアダージオでした。 これが流れてくるといつもそろそろ寝ようか・・・という習慣になってました。 朝は隣のシテ島にあるノートルダム寺院の6時の鐘の音で目覚めていたはずなんですが、こっちの方はあまり印象に残ってないんですよね。 不思議なことにこのアダージオを聴く度に、何故かあのアパルトマンの窓から黒々と連なる煙突の夜景を思い出します。 他のことはさっぱり忘れちゃったんですがね。 そこで、なにやら懐かしく印象に残っているこのマルチョロのオーボエ協奏曲ニ短調第二楽章のアダージオを打ち込んでみることにしました。 久しぶりに「バロックの名曲」ですね。 先に打ち込んだアルビノーニのものと並べて二大アダージオとも言われているようですね。 […]