I posted it on YouTube earlier.Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 21The copyright infringement warning was issued to (see below) This is the third time. This is the third time, and each time I have filed an objection and had it lifted. This time, too, I filed a claim of significance, claiming that the music was typed by a midi editor using a DAW.

According to this warning, it seems to be in conflict with a Polini album on DG (Deutsche Grammophon). Apparently, a part of the third movement corresponds to it. It is the white boxed area in the above figure. I was first of all impressed by YouTube's amazing copyright system.
But I am honored because it is a polini, but it is something strange. It's a bit strange, because it means that despite the fact that it's a midi composition, it's a partial copyright infringement of the CD. However, I feel a little happy because I can say that I have been able to create a certain kind of sound. It is the result of the guidance of the pianist who is watching my sound creation.