I am currently reviewing Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 30. I have finally reached the third movement. This movement consists of a theme and six variations, and it develops so richly that I think it will be the main part of No. 30.
However, I thought it would be a difficult place to play. Sure enough, my teacher's comments went up a gear! We assigned the four tracks to each voice part and created the sound for each part. He spent a lot of time making each part sound different. The 5th variation is especially difficult because of the complex compositional maneuvering that is used. I was also working on No. 29, but it was more of a game of chase. (I was lost in where I ended up, but I think No. 30 is more about how to put together the various parts of the piece.
When I think about it, I can't believe that I was working on such a difficult song when I had just started DTM and my musical skills were not yet up to par. When I listen to it again now, I realize that I can play it just fine, but the roles of each voice part are not clear enough and not well defined. However, the roles of each voice part are not clear and precise.... That's why my teacher's severe correction is coming in.