I revisited my MIDI sequencing of Beethoven’s Piano Sonata No. 23 "Passion". I adjusted the volume balance between movements, refined the balance between the right and left hands, corrected subtle nuances, and fixed any mistouches. The feedback from my musical advisor has become much more detailed and challenging compared to when I first worked on this piece!
That said, when I originally completed it, my advisor told me, “If you revisit it after some time, you’ll come up with new ideas.” In other words, it wasn’t quite there yet. Looking at it again now, I can see what they meant. This revision has brought about a noticeable change in the overall character of the piece—please give it a listen and see what you think.
Also, regarding the octaves in measures 310 and 312 (C) and measures 318 and 320 (E), as I mentioned before, I’ve slightly interpreted Beethoven’s intent and played them an octave lower.
Title: Piano Sonata No.23 in F minor, Op.57 "Appassionata"
Sound Source: Vienna Synchron Concert D-274
Audio file format: mp3
YouTube:.Beethoven Piano Sonata No.23