Marcello Oboe Concert in D minor "Adagio"

 I lived for a while on the island of Saint-Louis, Paris, about 50 years ago. It was when the price of one franc was just a little over 80 yen. After dinner, while I was wrapping up the day's work, I would always listen to Radio France or Antenne 2 (my memory is a little fuzzy). I remember that the music played at the end of the station's broadcast was Marcello's Oboe Concerto, Adagio in the second movement. Whenever this music came on, I would always go to was a habit. In the morning, I would wake up to the sound of the 6 o'clock bell of Notre Dame de Paris on the neighboring island of Cité, but this one didn't leave much of an impression on me. Strangely enough, every time I listen to this Adagio, for some reason I remember the night view of the black chimneys from the window of my apartment. I have forgotten everything else, though. So I decided to type in the Adagio from the second movement of MARTOLLO's Oboe Concerto in D minor, which has left a nostalgic impression on me. It's a "baroque masterpiece" after a long time. I typed it in first.albinoniI think they are also called the two major adagios along with the one of

 When Bach arranged this piece for harpsichord (BWV 974), the ornamentation is so wonderful that it seems to have transformed the original piece. There are many CDs available, and most of them use this ornamentation. In those days, however, it was common practice to use ornaments instead of the score. Here, I played the oboe according to Bach's ornamentation. However, it seems that the progression of harmony differs greatly depending on the score (arrangement).

 Now, the main oboe sound source is Audio Modering's physical sound sourceSWAM Double ReedsI decided to use the Oboe in the SWAM's winds are at a much higher level than the solo strings, so I thought it would be sufficient to use them. The strings, on the other hand, were sampled by Audiobro, which I have used before,LA SCORING STRINGS 3I have used and looked at it. It has become very easy to use since version 3.

      Title: Oboe Concerto in D minor, S D935 
      Sound Source: SWAM Oboe v.3, LA SCORING STRINGS 3
      Audio file format: mp3 (if you want to listen directly on your PC)reference(Please)

      YouTube:. Marcello Oboe Concert "Adagio